Free Digital Darkroom Course
The Digital Darkroom Volume One Free Download

This tutorial includes three different Start to Finish tutorials "Mordor", "Painterly" & "Red Dragon", in which I cover my entire processing workflow for these images starting in Adobe Lightroom and ending in Adobe Photoshop. I also explain my thought process and creative decisions I made while photographing these scenes. The main techniques demonstrated are, but not limited to, RAW development, enhancing light, shaping light, dodging and burning, color separation, light painting, painting with color, panoramic stitching, controlling contrast, focus stacking, orton, and many more techniques.
Cost: 59.95 USD - Get it for free!
Run time: 3:15 minutes
Programs Used in Digital Post Production: Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop CC & TK 7 Rapid Luminosity Masks
You can download the TK Mask Panel here.