Photo Journals (Landscape)

Best of 2023
best of 2023 landscape photography

As a full-time nature photographer, 2023 marks my 16th year, and it was one of my best for personal and artistic growth. I spent over 180 days in the field, capturing images from the desert southwest to the Pacific Northwest, and from New England to the Deep South...

Recent Work: Spring in the Smoky Mountains National Park
05-01-2022  |  Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Chasing Light in the Badlands & Beyond - Part 1
06/01/2021  |  South Dakota

It has become a tradition of mine in the past few years to spend a couple weeks each May and early June chasing storm light across the prairie states of South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming and...

New Release Gallery: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
04/25/2021  |  Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

I just spent ten days in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park shooting new spring images. The southern Appalachians have some of the absolute best forests and streams for spring photography and this marks my tenth time exploring the Smokies in the spring...

Five Tips for Better Landscape Photographs

Leading Photo Tours and Workshops, I see a lot of good and bad techniques from my students. Over the years, I have noticed at least 5 common mistakes that beginning photographers make. We all make these mistakes when starting out, so if you're guilty of any of them (or all) don't feel bad...