Best of 2023

best of 2023 landscape photography

As a full-time nature photographer, 2023 marks my 16th year, and it was one of my best for personal and artistic growth. I spent over 180 days in the field, capturing images from the desert southwest to the Pacific Northwest, and from New England to the Deep South. I ran over 10 workshops, conducted over a dozen live online webinars, taught at several photography conferences, and captured some of my favorite images to date.

This collection features authentic, unaltered images with no excessive editing or AI tricks. After years of perfecting my craft, I've adopted a gentler approach to processing photos, and I think you'll love the results. Take a look at the stunning images below and see for yourself!

Get ready for a thrilling year of adventure! Join me on some amazing trips throughout the US, both old favorites and new discoveries. Our photography workshops are selling out fast, but select tours still have openings. And stay tuned for an extra workshop this spring - check out the Workshops Page for more details!

Thank you all for joining me on a workshop/tour, online webinar, photography conference, or simply by enjoying and commenting on my images. Your support makes it possible for me to keep doing what I love!